
August 14, 2013

Re-selling WMSPanel by independent Wowza consultants

Wowza Media Systems uses a industry-proven approach of building its partners ecosystem. This includes approving streaming and product partners as well as encouraging software consultants to build a variety of Wowza-based applications.

When consultants builds some customer product, they often need to provide some reporting tool in addition to a general functionality. They either build their own custom applications or search for existing solutions. Let's see how WMSPanel can help Wowza consultants.

Let's take a look at the picture showing a consultant who has two clients that need reporting for their Wowza servers.

Wowza consultants re-selling WMSPanel.

Let's say you're a consultant and you're making custom projects for Client 1 and Client 2.

  1. You sign up and get familiar with WMSPanel during the free 2 weeks trial period.
  2. For Client 1 you install our agent to Wowza server and set up white label for some custom domain like Then you create data slices for Client 1 statistics and assign client's users there.
  3. For Client 2 you also install WMSPanel agent on any number of the servers. White label is also set up somewhere at This might be a client who provides some streaming media services hence the need for multiple data slices and multiple users. Thus, required slices are created with proper user accounts. Each user may see his stats without any intersection with others.
  4. When you subscribe to WMSPanel you pay for the slices created for your clients and get significant discount comparing to the price which your clients would pay having their own accounts.
You can use a lot of additional functionality for any of your customers free of charge.

  • WMSAuth feature set with geo-location and IP range restrictions with concurrent connections and bandwidth limitations from entire servers down to separate streams;
  • Pay-per-view and hot-linking protection frameworks will allow building protected pay-walls;
  • Camera control where end-users may be allowed to start/stop/re-set camera streams as well as record them to files;
  • Statistics import API will deliver processed daily stats in convenient format.

Now you have a couple of monetizing options:

  • with a big number of slices for a single client you may get some profit re-selling the reporting service with your own price;
  • if you have a support contract, this might bring some added value to your services along with customer satisfaction;
  • you don't spend your time building special reporting solution - it's already here.

Regardless of whether your clients handle live streaming or video on demand, WMSPanel will improve their user experience and will help you build better streaming solutions.

Now sign up and try our platform to see how it can help your business.

Read more use cases in our Case study section.

Contact us if you have any additional questions or concerns.

Related documentation

End user reporting for WowzaPaywall for WowzaStatistics for CDN usersDevices and Players report for WowzaWMSPanel for educational institutionsData slices for statisticsStreamed slices for WowzaBilling customers using daily statsWhite label branded panelScreencast for data slices and white labelStatistics import APIRestriction solution for geo, IP range and connections for WowzaWowza hotlinking re-publishing and re-streaming protectionPay-per-view for Wowza Media ServerServer management for WowzaMediaCaster and LiveStreamRecord streams control

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