
January 2, 2024

New WebVTT Features: Transcoder Passthrough and Playout Support

We are glad to announce that we added new features to our Nimble Streamer software media server to support WebVTT subtitles. WebVTT is one of the popular formats for displaying timed text tracks in VOD or live streams. Based on the feedback from our customers, we were working on adding WebVTT support for Live Streams.

First, you can produce a live stream with WebVTT subtitles from VOD files via Nimble Playout. However, there is a limitation that only one subtitle file can be used for one VOD file. Please find more details in respective section of the Playout documentation.

Another new feature is the Transcoder Passthrough option, which allows you to pass through WebVTT subtitles if they are detected in the source stream.

Please also check Subtitles digest page to see what else Nimble can do for you.

We are continuously working on enhancing subtitles support. Any suggestions and comments are welcomed.

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