
November 26, 2013

Playtime statistics for Nimble Streamer

WMSPanel is now able to get statistics about playtime and duration intervals for Nimble Streamer servers. So you may know for sure how much time your users spent viewing the content and it's available for all protocols handled by Nimble Streamer including HLS, SmoothStreaming and progressive download.

This report is available via Reporting / Duration stats menu.

Playtime and duration report.
To start, it has "Play time" column with total play time and average play time.

Also, we made metrics which would allow seeing info about how long do their customers stream the media. Our report shows distribution of viewers among time intervals.

There are 13 intervals chosen:
  • From 5 up to 30 seconds with 5-seconds steps; a viewer just opened a stream, checked it and closed connection. This is helpful for advertisement reporting.
  • Up to 5 minutes; e.g. people were watching short music videos.
  • 5-15 minutes; that might be some news block or long music videos.
  • Up to 30 minutes; a small documentary?
  • Up to 1 hour; this might be TV series or a radio show;
  • Up to 2 hours; a whole movie or a game;
  • Up to 3 hours; this could be an "Avatar"...
  • More than 3 hours; this means that someone was listening your radio station all the time.
So each interval includes the right boundary, e.g "<5m" means a count of viewers that were streaming for a period between 0:31 and 5:00.

Note that these duration numbers are shown per data slice. Each date is a link to single day summary.

This metric may be split to several other intervals but we needed something to start with. So if you think we need some more - let us know.

If you'd like to collect your own data set based on streaming stats, take a look at Pay-per-view feature set for Nimble Streamer which allows receiving realtime information to your own handler about each and every connection to your media server.

Read more about WMSPanel streaming reporting.

Related documentation

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