January 10, 2016

Embed Nimble Streamer

Nimble Streamer is a high-performance software with small resources usage.  It's the most efficient software media server on the market.
It is created using C++ programming language and has its own code base with no third-party libraries. This all makes it easy to port to any desirable platform. 

Currently it's running on Linux, Windows, Mac and Raspbian - see full list here. This means it's available on x64 and ARM architectures. Small 265MB RAM Raspberry hardware can run it smoothly.

With low resource requirements and support for ARM and x64, Nimble Streamer can be potentially used on any modern platform to create a media streaming device of any size, shape and characteristics. That device would have all features needed to handle various multimedia tasks.
To see how you can use Nimble for embedding, please read this dedicated page.

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