November 6, 2019

WMSPanel API to control push API

Nimble Streamer provides various push APIs which allow controlling the streaming process such as Publish controlPay-per-view or playback authorization.

Typically you set those APIs settings via web UI by opening "Control" -> "API setup" menu.

And now we have API for API setup! You can use "Push API settings" API methods to perform control by making API calls. Please open the respective section of API reference.
It has the following methods:

  • Get global push API settings gives parameters of "Global push API" tab.
  • Set global push API settings sets parameters for "Global push API" tab.
  • Get list of servers push API settings gets list of servers from "Servers push API" tab.
  • Get server push API settings gets parameters of selected server.
  • Set server push API settings sets parameters for a server.
  • Remove server push API settings removes parameters.

So having those you can dynamically control your push API based frameworks.

You can check our Nimble Streamer configuration reference page for more API descriptions.

Related documentation

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