May 13, 2021

KLV metadata in Nimble Streamer

KLV is a standard used for embedding meta information, usually into video feeds. Some of our customers use it for their use cases so they've been asking us for its support.

So now Nimble Streamer supports KLV metadata passthrough. It works for the following protocols:

  • MPEG-TS-based input: MPEG-TS over UDP and over HTTP, SRT and RIST.
  • Supported outputs are HLS, MPEG-TS over HTTP/UDP, SRT and RIST.

Also, KLV is recorded to DVR and is provided in HLS DVR output.

So if your MPEGTS input has KLV streams in it, you'll be able to pass them through.

To enable this feature, you need to add max_forwarded_klv_streams parameter into Nimble config file to set the maximum number of expected streams.


Don't forget to re-start Nimble instance to make it work.

You can use ffprobe to see how many KLV streams there are in your input MPEGTS streams.

Let us know if you have any questions and if you have any specific cases for KLV.

Related documentation

Nimble Streamer MPEGTS feature set

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