VP8 and VP9 are open and royalty free video coding formats developed by Google. Nimble Streamer
feature set.
Live Transcoder allows performing both decoding and encoding.
The following methods are currently supported for decoding VP8/VP9 content for further transformation:
You can specify the decoding method in decoder block in any transcoding scenario just like you specify it for other codecs.
Currently the encoding is performed only via software encoder. To use it for VP8 and VP9, open encoder block in your transcoding scenario and select "libvpx" from dropdown menu
Setting encoder for VP9 and VP8. |
You will then be able to select
Codec and specify other parameters listed below.
libvpx VP8/VP9 encoder parameters
Quality Deadline
- best - use the Best Qulity Deadline;
- good - use the Good Qulity Deadline;
- rt(default) -use the Real Time Qulity Deadline;
Number of threads that will be allocated to the encode process
Sets the encoder profile. Supported value: 1. Values 1-3 will be supported in the future versions of Transcoder.
Defines an upper limit on the number of frames into the future that the encoder can look. Values range: 0 to 25.
Bitrate in kbps.
Rate control mode.
- vbr- variable bitrate mode
- cbr - constant bitrate mode
- cq - constrained quality mode
- q - constant quality mode
Constrained Quality Level, in CQ mode the encoder will try to encode normal frames (all frames apart from key frames, golden frames and alternative reference frames) at a quantizer / quality level of cq_level. Values range: 0 to 63.
Minimum (Best Quality) Quantizer.
Maximum (Worst Quality) Quantizer.
Decoder Buffer Size indicates the amount of data that may be buffered by the decoding application. Note that this value is expressed in units of time (milliseconds). For example, a value of 5000 indicates that the client will buffer (at least) 5000ms worth of encoded data.
Decoder Buffer Initial Size indicates the amount of data that will be buffered by the
decoding application prior to beginning playback. This value is expressed in units of time (milliseconds).
Decoder Buffer Optimal Size indicates the amount of data that the encoder should try to maintain in the decoder's buffer. This value is expressed in units of time (milliseconds).
Rate control adaptation undershoot control. This value, expressed as a percentage of the target bitrate, controls the maximum allowed adaptation speed of the codec. This factor controls the maximum amount of bits that can be subtracted from the target bitrate in order to compensate for prior overshoot.
Values range: 0 to 1000
Rate control adaptation overshoot control. This value, expressed as a percentage of the target bitrate, controls the maximum allowed adaptation speed of the codec.
This factor controls the maximum amount of bits that can be added to the target bitrate in order to compensate for prior undershoot. Values range: 0 to 1000.
Keyframe placement mode. This value indicates whether the encoder should place keyframes at a fixed interval, or determine the optimal placement automatically.
Values: auto/disabled
Keyframe minimum interval. This value, expressed as a number of frames, prevents the encoder from placing a keyframe nearer than kf_min_dist to the previous keyframe.
At least kf_min_dist frames non-keyframes will be coded before the next keyframe. Set kf_min_dist equal to kf_max_dist for a fixed interval.
Keyframe maximum interval. This value, expressed as a number of frames, forces the encoder to code a keyframe if one has not been coded in the last kf_max_dist frames.
A value of 0 implies all frames will be keyframes. Set kf_min_dist equal to kf_max_dist for a fixed interval.
The drop frame parameter specifies a buffer fullness threshold at which the encoder starts to drop frames as a percentage of the optimal value specified by buf_optimal_sz. If it is set to 0 then dropping of frames is disabled.
Values range: 0 to 100.
Enable/disable spatial resampling, if supported by the codec.
resize_up, resize_down
The resize up and down parameters are high and low buffer fullness "watermark" levels at which we start to consider changing down to a smaller internal image size, if the buffer is being run down, or back up to a larger size if the buffer is filling up again. The numbers represent a percentage of buf_optimal_sz.
Values range: 0 to 100
Enable error resilient modes indicates to the encoder which features it should enable to take measures for streaming over lossy or noisy links.
- 0 - disabled
- 1 - Improve resiliency against losses of whole frames
- 2 - The frame partitions are independently decodable by the bool decoder, meaning that partitions can be decoded even though earlier partitions have been lost. Note that intra prediction is still done over the partition boundary.
- 3 - Both features
Codec control function to enable automatic set and use alf frames.
Codec control function to set sharpness.
Codec control function to set the threshold for MBs treated static.
Codec control function to set the max no of frames to create arf.
Codec control function to set the filter strength for the arf.
Optimize output for PSNR or SSIM quality measurement.
Values: psnr/ssim(default)
Codec control function to set Max data rate for Intra frames.
Constrained Quality Level, in CQ mode the encoder will try to encode normal frames (all frames apart from key frames, golden frames and alternative reference frames) at a quantizer / quality level of cq_level. Values range: 0 to 63.
libvpx VP8-specific parameters
Codec control function to set encoder internal speed settings.
Values range: -16 to 16
Codec control function to set the number of token partitions.
Codec control function to set encoder screen content mode.
- 0 - off;
- 1 - On;
- 2 - On with more aggressive rate control;
control function to set noise sensitivity
- 0 - off;
- 1 - OnYOnly;
- 2 - OnYUV;
- 3 - OnYUVAggressive;
- 4 - Adaptive;
Boost percentage for Golden Frame in CBR mode.
libvpx VP9-specific parameters
Codec control function to set encoder internal speed settings.
Values range: -8 to 8
Codec control function to set max data rate for Inter frames.
Boost percentage for Golden Frame in CBR mode.
Lossless encoding mode.
- 0 - lossy coding mode ;
- 1 - lossless coding mode;
Number of tile columns
- 0 - 1 tile column ;
- 1 - 2 tile columns;
- 2 - 4 tile columns;
- n - 2**n tile columns;
Number of tile rows
- 0 - 1 tile row ;
- 1 - 2 tile rows;
- 2 - 4 tile rows;
Adaptive quantization mode.
Periodic Q boost.
Noise sensitivity.
Content type
- default - Regular video content (Default);
- screen - Screen capture content;
Minimum interval between GF/ARF frames
Maximum interval between GF/ARF frames
Target level
- 255: off (default);
- 0: only keep level stats;
- 10: target for level 1.0;
- 11: target for level 1.1;
- ...
- 62: target for level 6.2
Row level multi-threading
Special mode for altref adaptive quantization
Live Transcoder has easy to use Web UI which provides drag-n-drop workflow editor to apply transcoding scenarios across various servers in a few clicks.
With FFmpeg filters you can transform content in various ways, e.g. change the video resize, make graphic overlays, picture-in-picture, key frames alignments, audio re-sampling etc.